Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Puppet Show
I thought this was too cute not to share. This morning the boys were very busy creating puppets. Alex created a backdrop. Josh and Zach each created a puppet. When they were finished they moved some things around in the Family room to create a stage for their show. It made me giggle so I quick got out my camera and took this video of them. Hope you enjoy the show!
Roller Skating
Sunday we took the boys roller skating. OMG it was so much fun!!! I forgot how much I loved roller skating. I haven't gone roller skating since I was a kid. So I was a little nervous at first that I would be on the ground most of the time. But as it turns out- it was a skill I didn't forget and I am proud to say I didn't fall once!! YEA ME!
So we put on our skates and carefully made it to the rink. It was the first time the boys had ever put on skates and they were quite wobbly at first. Which is expected.

There were quite a few falls- but nothing serious.

When we did make it onto the floor, it was a little tricky. Roller skating with triplets is hard, but not impossible. Matt and I would just hover around them and try and catch who was falling. It started out with death grips.....

But as they were getting their balance they slowly let go of us and turned to the wall for support

On one side of the rink there was a half wall to hold onto. The two long sides of the rink had nothing to hold onto. And then the last side had a flat wall. That was a little challenge as well, but nothing that stopped us. I was hoping for a half wall most of the way around the rink. The two sides of the rink with nothing to hold onto had a step that you could go up onto carpet. The boys liked skating on the carpet better, so on those two sides they would skate down that.

Then on the back wall we would help them again.

After 20 minutes, we made it around ONCE!! :) The boys were troopers. Alex fell a gazillion times!! He just kept getting up and trying again. I admire him for that. After falling as much as he did, I think I would have given up. But he didn't. After about 45min-1 hour he did try a new strategy. He squatted down and just used his hands to push him along. :) It was funny.

Once Alex and Zach got more comfortable with skating, they didn't want Matt and I around anymore. Zach did awesome!!

Josh had the best balance of the group, but he didn't want to let go of Matt or my hand. Josh loves this picture cause its all blurry. When he saw it he said something to the effect of he was skating so fast that he was a blur! :) Yep....nothing to do with my camera skills at all!!!

Josh loved the fact that the skates had orange on it!! He wanted me to take several pictures of the skates...

and Josh wearing the skates....

I just posted my two favorite pictures of the coolness of orange skates. :)

It was a really great afternoon!! We had a blast! A few bruises and Matt and I had sore arms from catching kids or pulling them along...but it was totally worth it!!
So we put on our skates and carefully made it to the rink. It was the first time the boys had ever put on skates and they were quite wobbly at first. Which is expected.
There were quite a few falls- but nothing serious.
When we did make it onto the floor, it was a little tricky. Roller skating with triplets is hard, but not impossible. Matt and I would just hover around them and try and catch who was falling. It started out with death grips.....
But as they were getting their balance they slowly let go of us and turned to the wall for support
On one side of the rink there was a half wall to hold onto. The two long sides of the rink had nothing to hold onto. And then the last side had a flat wall. That was a little challenge as well, but nothing that stopped us. I was hoping for a half wall most of the way around the rink. The two sides of the rink with nothing to hold onto had a step that you could go up onto carpet. The boys liked skating on the carpet better, so on those two sides they would skate down that.
Then on the back wall we would help them again.
After 20 minutes, we made it around ONCE!! :) The boys were troopers. Alex fell a gazillion times!! He just kept getting up and trying again. I admire him for that. After falling as much as he did, I think I would have given up. But he didn't. After about 45min-1 hour he did try a new strategy. He squatted down and just used his hands to push him along. :) It was funny.
Once Alex and Zach got more comfortable with skating, they didn't want Matt and I around anymore. Zach did awesome!!
Josh had the best balance of the group, but he didn't want to let go of Matt or my hand. Josh loves this picture cause its all blurry. When he saw it he said something to the effect of he was skating so fast that he was a blur! :) Yep....nothing to do with my camera skills at all!!!
Josh loved the fact that the skates had orange on it!! He wanted me to take several pictures of the skates...
and Josh wearing the skates....
I just posted my two favorite pictures of the coolness of orange skates. :)
It was a really great afternoon!! We had a blast! A few bruises and Matt and I had sore arms from catching kids or pulling them along...but it was totally worth it!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Wintertime at the Zoo
I have lived in Nebraska my whole life and have been to the zoo millions of times. But not once have I visited the zoo during the winter time. We needed to get out of the house (due to a house showing) so we decided to go to the zoo. Can I just say that going to the zoo in the wintertime is AWESOME!!! There is barely anyone there and the animals were really active!! It was fun!!
We started with the desert. Zach was impressed by this bird.
He spent quite a while looking at it. I think he was impressed that it was free wandering around. We haven't really had the chance to see animals out like that. When we have gone its been nice out....lots of people....makes animals nervous.
Zach Josh Alex
Of course I had to make the boys pose every once in a while.
Other times, it was "MOM! Take a picture of me by this rock!" (Josh)
or "Take a picture of me with the cactus!" (Zach)
And Alex never says things like that. Its usually me saying "ALEX! SMILE!!"
My boys! :)
It was exciting because we got to see them feed these animals. Every time I have been to the zoo these pig looking things just lay around. They are quite active when a zookeeper throws lettuce or apples at them. :)
Next we headed to the aquarium....my favorite!
The boys got a chance to stay in the "bubble" thing for a LONG time....as there weren't very many people.
Alex liked the jelly fish.
Josh and Zach LOVED the stingrays. They were all about them this time. We had to drag them away from looking at them.
In fact, Josh loved them so much he bought a stuffed stingray. This is a big deal- as Josh NEVER spends his money!!!
Next we walked to see the butterflies and bugs and then went onto the Rain forest.
The boys were able to go over the rope bridge numerous times. I think that was a MAJOR high of the day!! In the past we wait in a line to go across and then its only once.
Today....numerous times.
One of my favorite parts was when Josh saw this frog and put his hand up to the glass. The frog immediately jumped up like he was trying to put his hand on Josh's hand. Way cool. Both Josh and I thought that was awesome!!
And life lesson learned in 5....4.....3....2...
Really the bird just stared Josh down. Josh loved how close he got. I was SURE he was going to get his eye poked out as birds are nasty like that. Its happened to me several times. You innocently stare at them and they bite you! :) Thankfully this didn't happen to Josh. Cause that is something you just don't get over! :)
We were all pretty worn out after that so we decided to go. When Alex saw the gift shop, he broke into a run.

Like mother- like son. :) Anyway-I highly recommend going to the zoo in the winter time. Its AWESOME!
After the zoo we went out to eat. It was great to sit and relax and to fill our bellies.
This picture cracks me up. Like father- Like son. :)
After dinner we did some grocery shopping. Not that anyone cares about that. But I am mentioning it because I got this awesome picture:
It was a great way to spend a Saturday....even if my comps aren't done yet! :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Valentine's Day Activities
I am not one that totally gets into Valentine's Day. It's a nice day and all, but I would much rather have my true love show me throughout the year how he loves me rather than just one grand gesture on Valentine's Day. (and vice versa) Also, as a former first grade teacher, Valentine's Day brings memories of chaos and sugar highed screaming kids. :) But I am not ANTI Valentine's day either.
This year I had the boys help make their class cards. The past couple of years I have just gotten the treat and cards ready. This year they were happy to help and honestly I was happy to have the help! :) We had gone to the store and they chose what cards and treat they wanted to give to their friends. Then we set up our stations and got the cards ready.

They worked very hard and did a great job! It was fun. I loved hearing the reasons why so and so got which card.
Friday was their Valentine's Day party. I spent the afternoon with Zach. Instead of trying to get to all three classes, I chose one event to spend with each kid throughout the year. I spent Halloween with Josh. I made gingerbread houses with Alex. And now I was able to spend Valentine's day with Zach. I like spending the whole party with each kid instead of running around from class to class. Plus I also get to help the teacher out too.

Zach's party was fun! They passed out Valentine's. Which was fun for all the kids. Except one little boy who if didn't like what he got, tossed it aside and said gross.

They played games like fishing....



and a racing game. They had little tongs to pick up a candy heart and race across the room to drop the heart into a bowl. They all had a great time with that!! I am going to file that idea away to use when I go back to teaching as well!

Then it was time for cookies! YUM!

It was a really great party. Very organized and lots of fun!!
Valentine's Day Ronna and Larry invited us over for brunch.

It was delicious!! Cinnamon rolls, sausage casserole, and fruit!! It was a great start to the day. The men dished up the food, while the kids drooled over it.

After eating, we opened presents.

And needless to say the boys were SO EXCITED to get the game Sorry. I played a game (and possibly ate a few pieces of chocolate) with the boys.

Then sadly I left early. Matt and the boys stayed a little longer (but not much cause the weather wasn't so good. Blowing snow makes white out conditions.) I left early to go work on my comps. STINKS! Oh well....I am almost done! That night we made french toast and then made up our own version of pictionaray. That was a riot!! Trying to guess what a five year old is drawing is awesome!
Overall, it was a nice holiday. It was spent with people I love, and really that is my only goal for the holiday. Not diamonds, flowers, chocolates and such...although I really wouldn't complain if I got those too! :)
This year I had the boys help make their class cards. The past couple of years I have just gotten the treat and cards ready. This year they were happy to help and honestly I was happy to have the help! :) We had gone to the store and they chose what cards and treat they wanted to give to their friends. Then we set up our stations and got the cards ready.
They worked very hard and did a great job! It was fun. I loved hearing the reasons why so and so got which card.
Friday was their Valentine's Day party. I spent the afternoon with Zach. Instead of trying to get to all three classes, I chose one event to spend with each kid throughout the year. I spent Halloween with Josh. I made gingerbread houses with Alex. And now I was able to spend Valentine's day with Zach. I like spending the whole party with each kid instead of running around from class to class. Plus I also get to help the teacher out too.
Zach's party was fun! They passed out Valentine's. Which was fun for all the kids. Except one little boy who if didn't like what he got, tossed it aside and said gross.
They played games like fishing....
and a racing game. They had little tongs to pick up a candy heart and race across the room to drop the heart into a bowl. They all had a great time with that!! I am going to file that idea away to use when I go back to teaching as well!
Then it was time for cookies! YUM!
It was a really great party. Very organized and lots of fun!!
Valentine's Day Ronna and Larry invited us over for brunch.
It was delicious!! Cinnamon rolls, sausage casserole, and fruit!! It was a great start to the day. The men dished up the food, while the kids drooled over it.
After eating, we opened presents.
And needless to say the boys were SO EXCITED to get the game Sorry. I played a game (and possibly ate a few pieces of chocolate) with the boys.
Then sadly I left early. Matt and the boys stayed a little longer (but not much cause the weather wasn't so good. Blowing snow makes white out conditions.) I left early to go work on my comps. STINKS! Oh well....I am almost done! That night we made french toast and then made up our own version of pictionaray. That was a riot!! Trying to guess what a five year old is drawing is awesome!
Overall, it was a nice holiday. It was spent with people I love, and really that is my only goal for the holiday. Not diamonds, flowers, chocolates and such...although I really wouldn't complain if I got those too! :)
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