As the day got closer we became a little concerned about the weather. For awhile the forecast was snow and cold. That wouldn't have been a fun first game. But as it turns out the weather was AWESOME!! Perfect day for football!
We snacked on the AWESOME hot dogs that I have only found at Memorial Stadium!! And runzas and popcorn. YUM!!
Josh's first awesome hotdog
Of course, we cheered for our team. Which today you couldn't possibly choose the wrong team! GOOOOOOOOOO BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG REEEEEEDDDDD!!!

Most of us cheered for the red...Alex chose white. He strives to be different! But really, who cares!?!? THE HUSKERS WON!! And that is what matters right?We had a fantastic time, until about the third quarter when the complaining began. The boys had had enough. So we excused ourselves before things got really bad. And really leaving a little early isn't the worst thing. We didn't have to fight the crowd or traffic. Personally, I was just happy that we made it past half time! :)
What a perfect way to get them down to Lincoln for a game. Those Fairbury Brand red hotdogs rule!