Seven Days has come to an end and I have to admit I am a little sad. To be honest when Bethany, Joe and Kassie first told me about this cool photo project, I thought they were a little weird to want to take a picture of themselves for seven days in a row. And who would want to see it if I did? It sounded really vain to me. But as I got into the project it isn't like that at all. Kassie explained it BEAUTIFULLY and pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. If you are interested read here to see how cool 7 days really is. (Hope its ok I am stealing your awesome words Kassie). Its like peeking into someones life for 7 days in a creative way, not to mention documenting your own.
Here is my 7 of 7 days shot:
It is me checking our mail at the mailbox. I am anxiously awaiting a letter to see if I passed my comprehensive exams (comps). Still not here yet so that is why I am sad. I hope it comes soon because the longer I am waiting the more I am convincing myself that I didn't pass!! I am going to have a nervous breakdown soon if I don't get this letter!! :) nah- not really- but SHESH come already!!
This morning was super cool because my friend Erica and her two adorable kids came over to play. Erica and I taught first grade together at Bancroft and became friends. We always have a nice time together, but today was extra cool because our kids (minus Gloria because she is still a baby) actually played together instead of around each other.
The trains were a huge hit! As was playing outside, but didn't get around to taking pictures of that.
And even if Gloria didn't play with the boys, the boys enjoyed having her around. She is so cute!! All smiles!!
I wanted to get all the kids lined up on the couch but somehow the morning got away from us, so this is the best I got! I also wanted to do my seven days shot but forgot about it with all the fun going on around me. :) It was great hanging out with friends that morning!! Can't wait til we get together again!!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Day 6 of Seven Days
Earlier this week I came down with a cold or have allergies or something like that, so I wasn't feeling the best. Now that I have found the right medication I feel fantastic!! It must be allergies. Anyway, the boys kept asking to paint or do aqua sand and other various messy activities. I kept saying when I feel better we can do that. Today the allergy meds kicked in and I felt great and the boys did not forget my promise.
So we got out the spinning art, only to find out that the spinner part was broken. Bummer!! We were all a little sad about that. Its kind of a cool thing to do. So we moved onto the next messy project- aqua sand. Between you and me- I HATE AQUA SAND! It is NOT worth the mess. (I also hate moon sand if anyone cares.) I have decided that any type of sand is an OUTDOOR activity....not indoor....ESPECIALLY if you need to keep your house clean because you are wanting to sell it. Anyway I am a woman of my word and let them play it. However those toys may get "lost" in our move. :)
Here is my Day 6 shot:
My alternative shot was this one....but I thought it was too blurry to use.
Josh and I went to the eye doctor to check up on his eye. We were being goofy while waiting for him. The doctor was very happy how much vision he got back in his bad eye, but it wasn't perfect yet so Josh still has to wear a patch for another 6 weeks. Then he will be checked again and see what we need to do from there.
So we got out the spinning art, only to find out that the spinner part was broken. Bummer!! We were all a little sad about that. Its kind of a cool thing to do. So we moved onto the next messy project- aqua sand. Between you and me- I HATE AQUA SAND! It is NOT worth the mess. (I also hate moon sand if anyone cares.) I have decided that any type of sand is an OUTDOOR activity....not indoor....ESPECIALLY if you need to keep your house clean because you are wanting to sell it. Anyway I am a woman of my word and let them play it. However those toys may get "lost" in our move. :)
Here is my Day 6 shot:
My alternative shot was this one....but I thought it was too blurry to use.
Josh and I went to the eye doctor to check up on his eye. We were being goofy while waiting for him. The doctor was very happy how much vision he got back in his bad eye, but it wasn't perfect yet so Josh still has to wear a patch for another 6 weeks. Then he will be checked again and see what we need to do from there.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Day 5 of Seven Days
Today was a pretty normal day. Which was nice as it seems it has been busy lately. That evening the boys had swimming lessons. I took this picture for seven days and then realized that it was a theme day. But I liked the picture so I am posting it anyway. Its great to sit and read for about 1/2 hour while the boys have fun swimming. If you click to make the picture bigger Zach is out swimming in the blue goggles. Josh is on the side in orange goggles. Alex is on the end in green goggles- but they look black and you can barely see him. Kids in goggles crack me up. Especially the really big ones.
Anyway I seem to have a bad cold right now...or maybe its allergies???...whatever it is it isn't fun. I keep drugging myself with various cold medicines and so far nothing has worked. So as I was sitting with the boys I was becoming less in the mood to go home and cook something. (not that I am ever in the mood too cook- but it was even more so) Pepperjax is really close to where the boys swim so I texted Matt with my brilliant idea to go there! :) So he met us when we were done.
Here is my day 5 shot. The theme is dinner.
It was delicious as always. And as a bonus it was kids eat free night. So for all 5 of us to eat it was $14!! Pretty awesome if I don't say so myself! I LOVE pepperjax!! So good!
Anyway I seem to have a bad cold right now...or maybe its allergies???...whatever it is it isn't fun. I keep drugging myself with various cold medicines and so far nothing has worked. So as I was sitting with the boys I was becoming less in the mood to go home and cook something. (not that I am ever in the mood too cook- but it was even more so) Pepperjax is really close to where the boys swim so I texted Matt with my brilliant idea to go there! :) So he met us when we were done.
Here is my day 5 shot. The theme is dinner.
It was delicious as always. And as a bonus it was kids eat free night. So for all 5 of us to eat it was $14!! Pretty awesome if I don't say so myself! I LOVE pepperjax!! So good!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 4 of Seven Days
Today we went to the Children's museum with my mom. It was so much fun!! We got there early enough that there was NO ONE there. Well, very few kids there anyway. I should mention that the Children's museum has never been a place where I feel comfortable taking the boys by myself. They scatter and I have a VERY hard time keeping track of them. Today was AWESOME!! Since there were so few kids there I was able to relax and play with them instead of be on to speak.
For a good half hour we had the ball exhibit all to ourselves.
Its probably the boys favorite part of the museum. (the firetruck being a close second) Anyway, we had a great time!
They had a chance to really follow the balls to see where they went. The times we have gone before there is so much commotion going on that they would just run and play. Today they figured things out.
It was fun. I even got in on it! Here is my Day 4 shot!
This is me as the balls were about to drop.
Later we went upstairs to the construction exhibit.
Alex and Josh got their gear on and were off to fix and build things. Zach didn't want to dress up. He just wanted to build and play.
Alex "fixed" some pipes.
Zach, Josh and my mom worked hard to build a fort.
Josh really enjoyed this sanding exhibit.
After spending a couple of hours at the museum we all went out to lunch.
Then we rushed off to preschool. It was a wonderful morning spent with my mom!! We had a really great time and was so happy that she suggested we do it! Thanks mom!!
Seven Days Has Begun....
...and I am a little behind in my blog. No worries its my blog so I can be behind right? :)
The Seven Days of photography (where you take a self portrait every day for seven days) that I like to do has begun. When it started my plan was to blog everyday and share each picture and blog why I chose it, blah blah blah. Well, its now day 4 and I have been so busy that the blogging didn't get done. So here is day 1-4.
Saturday was the first day. Here is my day one picture.

Alex and I are snuggling on the couch. We had a house showing that morning so we all had to get up and go. Not an easy task to do, especially on the weekend. Alex and I were tired and had an extra minute before we had to leave so we snuggled up on the couch. Really is there anything better than snuggling with you kid? I think not.
Day 2
Sunday was busy. But not too busy to get my Day 2 shot in. The theme was style. I had a hard time coming up with an idea for this shot. The only thing I could think of was styling my hair. So this is the shot I got.

That morning (after styling my hair) Matt and I cleaned the house AGAIN!! (SO SICK OF CLEANING) because we had an open house that afternoon. The good news is we had a good turn out. We had 6 groups come to look at it. The bad news is no one bought it, which means more cleaning for me. Its SO HARD to keep a house show ready while living in it and with kids running around. Anyway I went to lunch with some good friends (which was lovely) and Matt took the boys out to lunch- lord knows he didn't want to mess up the kitchen after we spent the morning scrubbing it. After my lunch I met Matt and the boys at Dave and Busters to play games. It was fun.

The games the boys like to play gives them lots of tickets...

Which then gives them cool prizes....

I just try not to think about how much cheaper it would have been to just take them to a toy store and buy the crap they chose. :) Its all about the family outing right?
Day 3
Monday I got a carwash with the boys. Its always a fun time. I get a clean car and the boys laugh with delight and yell "Its the MONSOOONN!!" as we go through. I thought it would be creative to take a picture going through it. So here is my day 3 shot.

This was after volunteering at the boys preschool but before I rushed off to class. Only 4 more classes to go by the way!! YIPPPEEEEE!
So that gets you caught up for now. :)
The Seven Days of photography (where you take a self portrait every day for seven days) that I like to do has begun. When it started my plan was to blog everyday and share each picture and blog why I chose it, blah blah blah. Well, its now day 4 and I have been so busy that the blogging didn't get done. So here is day 1-4.
Saturday was the first day. Here is my day one picture.
Alex and I are snuggling on the couch. We had a house showing that morning so we all had to get up and go. Not an easy task to do, especially on the weekend. Alex and I were tired and had an extra minute before we had to leave so we snuggled up on the couch. Really is there anything better than snuggling with you kid? I think not.
Day 2
Sunday was busy. But not too busy to get my Day 2 shot in. The theme was style. I had a hard time coming up with an idea for this shot. The only thing I could think of was styling my hair. So this is the shot I got.
That morning (after styling my hair) Matt and I cleaned the house AGAIN!! (SO SICK OF CLEANING) because we had an open house that afternoon. The good news is we had a good turn out. We had 6 groups come to look at it. The bad news is no one bought it, which means more cleaning for me. Its SO HARD to keep a house show ready while living in it and with kids running around. Anyway I went to lunch with some good friends (which was lovely) and Matt took the boys out to lunch- lord knows he didn't want to mess up the kitchen after we spent the morning scrubbing it. After my lunch I met Matt and the boys at Dave and Busters to play games. It was fun.
The games the boys like to play gives them lots of tickets...
Which then gives them cool prizes....
I just try not to think about how much cheaper it would have been to just take them to a toy store and buy the crap they chose. :) Its all about the family outing right?
Day 3
Monday I got a carwash with the boys. Its always a fun time. I get a clean car and the boys laugh with delight and yell "Its the MONSOOONN!!" as we go through. I thought it would be creative to take a picture going through it. So here is my day 3 shot.

This was after volunteering at the boys preschool but before I rushed off to class. Only 4 more classes to go by the way!! YIPPPEEEEE!
So that gets you caught up for now. :)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Beautiful Andi
Last night we had dinner with some good friends. We love hanging out with them and look forward to it every time we do. We laugh and talk the night away. And Katie and I have been known to do a little online shopping as well.
It was my turn to host. It was a little difficult this time because meat could not be on the menu due to lent. Since the weather went icky and cold and snowy AGAIN! GRRRR!! I thought soup in bread bowls sounded great!!! However when I went to my recipes, most of my soups had chicken broth in them. AHHH! So back to the drawing board. After much thought, we ordered pizza. :) We tried a a new place called Frank's. It was good. We ordered cheese for the boys, a White Blonde pizza and their special. They were all delicious!

The boys LOVE Andi!! They each took turns holding her and playing with her. She loved the boys too! She was a great sport being passed around! They loved playing peek-a-boo and trying to make her laugh.
And look...she is getting teeth!!!

She is such a cute little girl!! We love her! The evening was great. It is always nice to hang out with good friends!!
On another note, 7 Days has started again!! YEA!! So here is my first day's picture. This morning before we had to leave for another house showing Alex and I snuggled on the couch. Really is there anything better than snuggling with your kid?!?!?
It was my turn to host. It was a little difficult this time because meat could not be on the menu due to lent. Since the weather went icky and cold and snowy AGAIN! GRRRR!! I thought soup in bread bowls sounded great!!! However when I went to my recipes, most of my soups had chicken broth in them. AHHH! So back to the drawing board. After much thought, we ordered pizza. :) We tried a a new place called Frank's. It was good. We ordered cheese for the boys, a White Blonde pizza and their special. They were all delicious!
The boys LOVE Andi!! They each took turns holding her and playing with her. She loved the boys too! She was a great sport being passed around! They loved playing peek-a-boo and trying to make her laugh.
And look...she is getting teeth!!!
She is such a cute little girl!! We love her! The evening was great. It is always nice to hang out with good friends!!
On another note, 7 Days has started again!! YEA!! So here is my first day's picture. This morning before we had to leave for another house showing Alex and I snuggled on the couch. Really is there anything better than snuggling with your kid?!?!?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Learning is Fun
The other day the teacher side of me got online. I wanted to find some learning worksheets for the boys to practice their writing, math, patterns, etc. I found some cool St. Patrick Day ones and printed out three copies. I had NO IDEA how huge of a hit this would be. They finished those sheets quickly and begged for more. Needless to say I was excited about this!! I tried to find some more, but didn't have much luck. They were either too easy or too hard. So we headed out to Target to find some workbooks for them. I found the biggest Kindergarten workbook I could find and bought three....from two different Targets...but that is normal. We usually have to go to numerous stores if we want 3 of the same things.
We have been working hard each day on them. Its fun to watch their system of working.

Zach is completely random. He is flipping to pages that look interesting to him then works on that.

Alex is going through the book page by page. He is very orderly.

Josh is in the middle of the two extremes. He picks a page he wants, but then goes in order after that.
Its awesome. I LOVE helping them read and write. Not only do I love teaching them but they have been letting me!! Which, of course, makes it even more fun- for all of us!! It also makes me realize that when I do go back to work that I will be happy when I do. For I really do enjoy teaching kids!!
We have been working hard each day on them. Its fun to watch their system of working.
Zach is completely random. He is flipping to pages that look interesting to him then works on that.
Alex is going through the book page by page. He is very orderly.
Josh is in the middle of the two extremes. He picks a page he wants, but then goes in order after that.
Its awesome. I LOVE helping them read and write. Not only do I love teaching them but they have been letting me!! Which, of course, makes it even more fun- for all of us!! It also makes me realize that when I do go back to work that I will be happy when I do. For I really do enjoy teaching kids!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Funny Little Snippets
The other day Josh says to me: "Mom, when I grow up I am going to marry Tessa."(Tessa is a nice little girl in his class.)
I said, "Ok. How does Tessa feel about that?"
Josh replied, "I don't know. She is trying to decide between me and Alex."
I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing!! And so the drama begins.....
Today I was talking to my friend Meg (who lives in Denver) on the phone and Alex told me to wish her a Happy Thanksgiving day. I told him that I think he meant Happy St. Patrick's Day. He goes "Oh yeah! Tell her Happy St. Patrick's Day." So I tell Meg this and she asked me to wish it to him back. So I did and Alex says "WOAH! They celebrate this holiday over THERE TOO!?!?" Needless to say Meg and I got a kick out of that!
Oh my boys make me smile and laugh everyday!!
I said, "Ok. How does Tessa feel about that?"
Josh replied, "I don't know. She is trying to decide between me and Alex."
I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing!! And so the drama begins.....
Today I was talking to my friend Meg (who lives in Denver) on the phone and Alex told me to wish her a Happy Thanksgiving day. I told him that I think he meant Happy St. Patrick's Day. He goes "Oh yeah! Tell her Happy St. Patrick's Day." So I tell Meg this and she asked me to wish it to him back. So I did and Alex says "WOAH! They celebrate this holiday over THERE TOO!?!?" Needless to say Meg and I got a kick out of that!
Oh my boys make me smile and laugh everyday!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Nothing to Report...but Blogging Anyway
So not much has been going on with us lately. But I feel like writing a blog so that is what I am going to do.
I have turned in my comps. What a relief that is!! When I turned them in two professors and one secretary cheered and clapped for me. It was a little embarrassing but cool. Now I wait to see if I pass. UGH! I HATE waiting!!
Nothing going on with the house. We had a ton of people coming through a couple of weeks ago and now it has really slowed down. Matt and I saw a few episodes on HGTV about staging your house to sell. That was a mistake. It freaked me out more than it helped. I called our realtor to see if we should paint, remove furniture, take down all pictures, etc. He assured me that our house was fine and we just need to find the right person. So now we wait. UGH I HATE waiting!! Did I mention that before?
My class at UNO is good. I am finding it really interesting. So that is good. Only 5 more classes to go and I am DONE! (assuming I pass my comps that is...waiting to find out. Maybe I should have titled this blog Waiting!...but I hate waiting so that is a yucky title for me)
I have also started to apply for jobs this fall. This is NOT a fun process! All the forms and paperwork to fill out. Plus writing a resume and cover letters. These are all things I have never done before. When I graduated from college we had this portfolio that we sent out to apply for a job. This time....I do it the real world way I guess. I found a job that would be my dream job....but don't want to jinx it too much by writing about it. So I am waiting, AGAIN, to hear from them. But they are probably waiting on my resume and cover letter. :) hahaha For someone who doesn't have a memory, it is VERY hard to list a history of what I have done!!
The boys are good. Matt is good. I am good. All is well. hmmm....I just realized this is my first post that I haven't added any pictures!! Interesting....
I have turned in my comps. What a relief that is!! When I turned them in two professors and one secretary cheered and clapped for me. It was a little embarrassing but cool. Now I wait to see if I pass. UGH! I HATE waiting!!
Nothing going on with the house. We had a ton of people coming through a couple of weeks ago and now it has really slowed down. Matt and I saw a few episodes on HGTV about staging your house to sell. That was a mistake. It freaked me out more than it helped. I called our realtor to see if we should paint, remove furniture, take down all pictures, etc. He assured me that our house was fine and we just need to find the right person. So now we wait. UGH I HATE waiting!! Did I mention that before?
My class at UNO is good. I am finding it really interesting. So that is good. Only 5 more classes to go and I am DONE! (assuming I pass my comps that is...waiting to find out. Maybe I should have titled this blog Waiting!...but I hate waiting so that is a yucky title for me)
I have also started to apply for jobs this fall. This is NOT a fun process! All the forms and paperwork to fill out. Plus writing a resume and cover letters. These are all things I have never done before. When I graduated from college we had this portfolio that we sent out to apply for a job. This time....I do it the real world way I guess. I found a job that would be my dream job....but don't want to jinx it too much by writing about it. So I am waiting, AGAIN, to hear from them. But they are probably waiting on my resume and cover letter. :) hahaha For someone who doesn't have a memory, it is VERY hard to list a history of what I have done!!
The boys are good. Matt is good. I am good. All is well. hmmm....I just realized this is my first post that I haven't added any pictures!! Interesting....
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