This week the boys have been on spring break. And I have LOVED having them around. I miss them while they are at school. I miss having them around all the time. I need a job. :) But that is a whole different post!
I think I get SO excited to have them around that I make us rush around like crazy people doing one fun event after another. Wednesday was their first day off. We all slept in and stayed in our jammies until almost lunch time. HEAVEN! After lunch Josh had a play date with a friend so Alex, Zach and I met our awesome neighbor Tara and her son Sam at a park to play. It was wonderful!! Minus the cold drizzle and Sam spinning himself sick. Other than that it was great!
Thursday we went on a picnic lunch. We got our favorite fast food (Jimmy John's for Zach, Josh and I- Burger King for Alex) and took it to a park. Zorinsky if you are wondering.

It was awesome!! I don't know why I don't take the boys on picnics more.

After lunch we played at the park for awhile. This park had a cool scoop and pour sand thing-a- ma-bob. And yes that is the technical term for that! :) It was fun. I even got to scoop too!!

We also played on the other equipment and then went to swing for a while. Zach LOVES tire swings. He has talked about the tire swing at his school and was super excited to see one at this park too!

I have to admit- I kind of feel like I have come full circle!! I remember a few years ago I would push the boys on the swing for what felt like hours-days-weeks-months on end!! Now the boys can push ME!! NICE!!

After our picnic and playing at the park for a while, we went to paint pottery.

I was especially happy about this day because not only can the boys push me on the swing, I can paint pottery WITH THEM now!! All the other times I have had to manage them. This time it was something we truly did together. And it was AWESOME!! They each got to chose what they wanted to paint. And they all chose to paint a plate.

Alex painted a batman plate!

Josh and Zach both painted a plants vs. zombies plate.

My kids crack me up!! I, of course, did another dottery mug.

I can't wait to see the finished products!!

After painting we were in need of some sort of treat. So we went to
Eileen's Cookies- of course!! Best cookies!! And what's even more exciting we got to see Drew!! It was the frosting on our cookie! :)

After our delicious cookie, we went to play tennis.

It was fun. I would say a really great day!!
Friday Matt took the day off! WOOT! We decided to go to
Henry Doorly Zoo. The zoo remodeled the aquarium and we all wanted to see the new and improved exhibit. Plus, there were baby giraffes there too!! And new monkeys!!
Yeah....IT WAS INSANE THERE!! I think everyone on the planet had the same idea as we did. I have NEVER seen the lines so long!! Not even on membership days!! Matt and I HATE crowds, especially when the boys are with us!! Needless to say- I didn't take many pictures. I was too concerned making sure I didn't loose one of my kids! This picture I took because Josh begged me to take a picture of this snake. Ewe! So I made him get in it too!

This one I took because I wanted one of the boys all together in it. :) And it's horrible.

And this one I took because Josh was super excited to see ORANGE JELLYFISH!! They were awesome!!

The aquarium was pretty cool. They had some new exhibits. But after going through the desert dome and the aquarium and fighting the crowds the whole way, we were done after that. So we never saw any of the baby giraffes or new monkeys. Oh well, it's not like we wont go again!
On the way home we got ice cream. Ice cream always calms my nerves! :) Then that evening we went to the new family fun center. They moved from 72 and Dodge to 108 and L. I have to sat it was disappointing. They didn't have many games at all and it still had the run down feeling. Oh well. The boys had fun and that is what matters right? After that lame experience we all went out to dinner at Romeos. I hadn't eaten there in years!!
After dinner, we came home to decorate Easter cupcakes. I don't dye Easter eggs anymore for quite a few reasons. The boys don't like eggs. And to have triplets dye Easter eggs you have to boil or blow out a LOT of eggs. The last time we did it the boys didn't get into it. They were finished before they started. Plus they stink. Not really worth it. So we decorated (we meaning Josh, Zach and I- not Alex's thing) Easter cupcakes. They are cute!! And we will all eat those! :)
Whew!! It is only Friday night and we are all exhausted!! :) But I really don't think any of us would change a thing!! The next two days will be celebrating Easter and Larry's birthday!! So the fun is not over yet!! WOOT!!