Friday, March 25, 2011
Arizona: Day 6
Last vacation day. So sad! What better use of our last few hours than to do this? (also my 7 days shot for the day)

I read and swam. Relaxed as much as I could.

Josh and Zach went on one last desert hike with Linda.

Then they swam! I have a couple of fish on my hands!!!! Alex is still sick so he was in bed, but seemed to be doing better than the day before. Overall, it was relaxing and wonderful last few hours.
The trip home was....well it was horrible. We got to the airport and our flight was delayed. Annoying in the best of circumstances but add a sick kid and it makes it more so. We had a connecting flight and then there was worry that we would miss it. Southwest actually held the plane for us so we didn't miss it. That was a relief.
The first leg of the flight went ok. By the end of it Alex was getting worse. The flight landed, Matt grabbed all carry on luggage, coats, etc. I carried Alex and we ran through the terminal to get to our next flight. Alex moaning and crying the whole way and Matt and I yelling "keep up boys" to Zach and Josh.
We got to the plane and of course it was full and 5 seats were not together. Thankfully some really kind strangers moved around so we could all be near each other. I almost cried I was so thankful! People out there are still kind and its wonderful! The end of that flight Alex was throwing up and was miserable. It was a horrible flight. We landed about 10:30/11 pm so we were all tired.
After we landed we got off the plane. I carried Alex and Matt carried everything else and both of us yelling "keep up boys" to Josh and Zach. Larry was there to pick us up and we were off to get our luggage.
And then the airline lost part of our luggage. The boys booster seats are in the United States somewhere and so far no one has found them. Oh and did I mention that is was snowing? Yup. Vacation is clearly over! :)
The bright side is, we are all home safe and sound. Now if I could just get Alex to stop puking and fever free life would be good!
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I read and swam. Relaxed as much as I could.
Josh and Zach went on one last desert hike with Linda.
Then they swam! I have a couple of fish on my hands!!!! Alex is still sick so he was in bed, but seemed to be doing better than the day before. Overall, it was relaxing and wonderful last few hours.
The trip home was....well it was horrible. We got to the airport and our flight was delayed. Annoying in the best of circumstances but add a sick kid and it makes it more so. We had a connecting flight and then there was worry that we would miss it. Southwest actually held the plane for us so we didn't miss it. That was a relief.
The first leg of the flight went ok. By the end of it Alex was getting worse. The flight landed, Matt grabbed all carry on luggage, coats, etc. I carried Alex and we ran through the terminal to get to our next flight. Alex moaning and crying the whole way and Matt and I yelling "keep up boys" to Zach and Josh.
We got to the plane and of course it was full and 5 seats were not together. Thankfully some really kind strangers moved around so we could all be near each other. I almost cried I was so thankful! People out there are still kind and its wonderful! The end of that flight Alex was throwing up and was miserable. It was a horrible flight. We landed about 10:30/11 pm so we were all tired.
After we landed we got off the plane. I carried Alex and Matt carried everything else and both of us yelling "keep up boys" to Josh and Zach. Larry was there to pick us up and we were off to get our luggage.
And then the airline lost part of our luggage. The boys booster seats are in the United States somewhere and so far no one has found them. Oh and did I mention that is was snowing? Yup. Vacation is clearly over! :)
The bright side is, we are all home safe and sound. Now if I could just get Alex to stop puking and fever free life would be good!
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Thursday, March 24, 2011
Arizona: Day 5
It's hard to describe this trip. I am having a good time, but am sad Alex is so sick. Alex woke up a little worse than the day before. Still running a fever and laying around. No puking though, so hopefully that is done with! So we weren't able to do things as a family like I had hoped.
First thing this morning Josh and Zach made Alex a get well card.
How sweet are they? I think they are missing Alex too!
Linda and I went on a walk. The cacti are just starting to bloom and I LOVE blooming cacti!! So I was excited to see a few of them.
After our walk, Matt stayed home with Alex and Bill, Linda, Josh, Zach and I went hiking up a mountain in the Sears Ruins in the Tonto National Forrest. We saw the Hohokum Native American ruins. It was beautiful! The weather was awesome! We didn't see much wildlife. However, Zach spotted a gecko lizard, so that was fun.
After our hike, we went out to lunch then came back to the house to swim the rest of the afternoon. It's been sad not having the whole family together, but we are making the best of it!!
Today for my 7 days shot the theme was up. So I thought what better shot than hiking UP a mountain. Here is my pic:
Tomorrow is our last day of vacation, and some of are already in tears about it! We heart Arizona!!! And we extra heart Bill and Linda!!
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First thing this morning Josh and Zach made Alex a get well card.
How sweet are they? I think they are missing Alex too!
Linda and I went on a walk. The cacti are just starting to bloom and I LOVE blooming cacti!! So I was excited to see a few of them.
After our walk, Matt stayed home with Alex and Bill, Linda, Josh, Zach and I went hiking up a mountain in the Sears Ruins in the Tonto National Forrest. We saw the Hohokum Native American ruins. It was beautiful! The weather was awesome! We didn't see much wildlife. However, Zach spotted a gecko lizard, so that was fun.
After our hike, we went out to lunch then came back to the house to swim the rest of the afternoon. It's been sad not having the whole family together, but we are making the best of it!!
Today for my 7 days shot the theme was up. So I thought what better shot than hiking UP a mountain. Here is my pic:
Tomorrow is our last day of vacation, and some of are already in tears about it! We heart Arizona!!! And we extra heart Bill and Linda!!
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Arizona: Day 4
Today didn't go as planned, but it wasn't horrible either. Yesterday we thought Alex got car sick. Turns out he wasn't car sick he seems to have the flu instead. Poor guy. No fun being sick and even worse when it's on vacation!!!
Due to this, plans were changed. Originally, the boys and I were going to go with Bill and Linda to go see Linda's parents and Matt was going to take a photo walk through the desert. Since Alex was sick, Bill and Linda took Josh and Zach for the day of fun. Then Matt and I stayed with Alex. This way Matt could still do a photo walk and we could both take care of Alex.
Alex was devastated that he missed out on all the fun. And fun they all had!!! They rode in the golf cart, picked up pine cones, visited neighbors, ate lunch, played putt putt and then boccie ball. They all had a blast!!
Once Alex had a little Tylenol in him, he perked up and wanted to go on the hike with daddy. So we all went on a hike with the understanding that Alex and I would head back when he tired out.
It was so much fun. The weather was awesome!! But after a little bit, Alex tired out and we headed back to the house and Matt continued on. And lookie what Matt found!!!
So glad I wasn't with him!! He said he almost stepped on it. Creepy!!
Alex slept for a few hours and I worked very hard on my tan and reading.
Such a hard day!! Yeah right! That afternoon Matt and the boys swam a while. After dinner we roasted marshmallows. You can tell by this picture Alex still isn't feeling good.
Then we finished the day with a little hot tubing. For having a sick kid, the day wasn't too horrible.
Today for my 7 days shot I took a pic of me on my hike in the desert. Here's my shot:

Here is hoping Alex feels better tomorrow and the rest of us don't start puking!! Fingers crossed!!!!
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Due to this, plans were changed. Originally, the boys and I were going to go with Bill and Linda to go see Linda's parents and Matt was going to take a photo walk through the desert. Since Alex was sick, Bill and Linda took Josh and Zach for the day of fun. Then Matt and I stayed with Alex. This way Matt could still do a photo walk and we could both take care of Alex.
Alex was devastated that he missed out on all the fun. And fun they all had!!! They rode in the golf cart, picked up pine cones, visited neighbors, ate lunch, played putt putt and then boccie ball. They all had a blast!!
Once Alex had a little Tylenol in him, he perked up and wanted to go on the hike with daddy. So we all went on a hike with the understanding that Alex and I would head back when he tired out.
It was so much fun. The weather was awesome!! But after a little bit, Alex tired out and we headed back to the house and Matt continued on. And lookie what Matt found!!!
So glad I wasn't with him!! He said he almost stepped on it. Creepy!!
Alex slept for a few hours and I worked very hard on my tan and reading.
Such a hard day!! Yeah right! That afternoon Matt and the boys swam a while. After dinner we roasted marshmallows. You can tell by this picture Alex still isn't feeling good.
Then we finished the day with a little hot tubing. For having a sick kid, the day wasn't too horrible.
Today for my 7 days shot I took a pic of me on my hike in the desert. Here's my shot:
Here is hoping Alex feels better tomorrow and the rest of us don't start puking!! Fingers crossed!!!!
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Monday, March 21, 2011
Arizona: Day 3
Well today we decided to go to the Grand Canyon. We were all excited. It was a rainy day and we knew that meant cold and snow there but it was only going to be 1-3 inches. No big deal for people from Nebraska!
Well, turns out it was a big deal. As we were driving, Alex got either car sick or altitude sick and threw up over and over. I was unprepared and didn't have a puke bag. Since I didn't want throw up all over the car- which Bill and Linda were nice enough to let us borrow- I quick dumped out my favorite purse and he used that to throw up in. So long purse! Poor guy. We got up to Sedona....and can I just say how absolutely gorgeous it was!! Holy cow. Breathtaking!! These pictures do not do it justice!
Anyway the rain turned to snow and ice which caused an accident closing the road. There was another interstate we could have taken, but they closed that one down too due to weather. Turns out a few inches was a big deal.
So we turned around spent a little time in Sedona and then headed back to Bill and Linda's. They boys and Matt stayed here and Linda took me shopping for a new purse. So the day wasn't a total loss. :)
Here is my 7 days: day 3 shot:

Not a flattering picture of me at all, but it does capture the day.
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Well, turns out it was a big deal. As we were driving, Alex got either car sick or altitude sick and threw up over and over. I was unprepared and didn't have a puke bag. Since I didn't want throw up all over the car- which Bill and Linda were nice enough to let us borrow- I quick dumped out my favorite purse and he used that to throw up in. So long purse! Poor guy. We got up to Sedona....and can I just say how absolutely gorgeous it was!! Holy cow. Breathtaking!! These pictures do not do it justice!
Anyway the rain turned to snow and ice which caused an accident closing the road. There was another interstate we could have taken, but they closed that one down too due to weather. Turns out a few inches was a big deal.
So we turned around spent a little time in Sedona and then headed back to Bill and Linda's. They boys and Matt stayed here and Linda took me shopping for a new purse. So the day wasn't a total loss. :)
Here is my 7 days: day 3 shot:
Not a flattering picture of me at all, but it does capture the day.
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Arizona: Day 2
Today we took the boys horseback riding. When Linda first suggested the idea I thought it sounded awesome! I asked the boys if they were interested and they were SUPER excited about it. And then this morning came and I went into a slight panic. I'd like to say it was because I was worried about what could happen to them on a horse, but no, I was freaking out about ME. I am NOT a horse person. Last time I attempted to ride a horse I as in junior high and it scared me to death. In my mind, the horse reared up and whinnied and gave me the evil death stare. What probably happened was the horse shook it's head and it freaked me out. Never the less- I am not a horse fan. I am a city girl- what can I say.
So we are driving to the ranch and I had in my head that it was going to be like a carousel ride, or some cowboy would lead my horse around. Clearly I wasn't thinking. So as we were getting closer to the ranch my heart was starting to beat out of my chest, I was getting sweaty and I really thought I just might throw up. But what was I going to do? Ruin everyone elses time and refuse to go? Nope. I put my big girl panties on, told everyone my goodbyes and got on my horse- which later I found out wasn't even a horse it was a mule. Her name was Pepper and she was wonderful! The perfect match for me. She was calm, cool, obedient, and pretty.
The ride was breathtakingly beautiful!!!!
I thought we would be on these paved out trails. We weren't. We rode through the desert with the most beautiful scenery EVER!
Sujarro cacti, other cacti, mountains, and the weather couldn't have been more perfect! It was partly cloudy and cool- for Arizona. It felt like we were the only ones there. We didn't see anyone else, nor could we hear traffic. Talk about stress free!!
Our cowboy guide was named Jared and he was AWESOME!! He stopped us in the middle of our ride and asked if I had a box that took pictures. I said I did and he lined up our horses and took some family pictures. He was funny, knowledgeable and just plain awesome! We liked Jared.
During the ride I tried to get my 7 days shot. Jared probably thought I was some whack a do trying to take a picture of myself on a horse, I mean mule. I am here to tell you that it is NOT easy to do a self portrait riding a horse. It was also a theme day today. The theme was up....well that is what I thought it was. Actually, the theme was down. I thought cool- up on a horse will be perfect. So that is what I was going for. Then I find out the theme was really down and it bummed me out until I realized that we were actually going down the trail at the time. Whew. Problem solved! So here is my 7 days: day 2 shot:
When our ride was over, we got to feed our horses carrots. That was fun for a city girl like me.
I love this picture. It looks like the horse is smiling!
After riding horses, we hiked in the desert a little....Alex took some pictures along the way....
We went out to lunch, shopped a little, saw the great horned owl that has a nest close to Bill and Linda's that I have seen every year i have been coming here....
Isn't she beautiful? Last year I got to see her babies peeping up. It was cool. Then we headed back to Bill and Linda's. Us adults laid down, the boys were still going strong. Sigh. So I made them watch tv and/or play their iPods for a little bit. Then they went swimming the rest of the afternoon until dinner. Where do they get their energy and can I have some please?!?!?
That evening Bill and Linda had some guests come and stay that night too and they were delightful! Funny, kind and warm people. Lots of chatting and laughing. The boys finally dropped and us adults got in the hot tub to end the day. It was wonderful!!
So we are driving to the ranch and I had in my head that it was going to be like a carousel ride, or some cowboy would lead my horse around. Clearly I wasn't thinking. So as we were getting closer to the ranch my heart was starting to beat out of my chest, I was getting sweaty and I really thought I just might throw up. But what was I going to do? Ruin everyone elses time and refuse to go? Nope. I put my big girl panties on, told everyone my goodbyes and got on my horse- which later I found out wasn't even a horse it was a mule. Her name was Pepper and she was wonderful! The perfect match for me. She was calm, cool, obedient, and pretty.
The ride was breathtakingly beautiful!!!!
I thought we would be on these paved out trails. We weren't. We rode through the desert with the most beautiful scenery EVER!
Sujarro cacti, other cacti, mountains, and the weather couldn't have been more perfect! It was partly cloudy and cool- for Arizona. It felt like we were the only ones there. We didn't see anyone else, nor could we hear traffic. Talk about stress free!!
Our cowboy guide was named Jared and he was AWESOME!! He stopped us in the middle of our ride and asked if I had a box that took pictures. I said I did and he lined up our horses and took some family pictures. He was funny, knowledgeable and just plain awesome! We liked Jared.
During the ride I tried to get my 7 days shot. Jared probably thought I was some whack a do trying to take a picture of myself on a horse, I mean mule. I am here to tell you that it is NOT easy to do a self portrait riding a horse. It was also a theme day today. The theme was up....well that is what I thought it was. Actually, the theme was down. I thought cool- up on a horse will be perfect. So that is what I was going for. Then I find out the theme was really down and it bummed me out until I realized that we were actually going down the trail at the time. Whew. Problem solved! So here is my 7 days: day 2 shot:
When our ride was over, we got to feed our horses carrots. That was fun for a city girl like me.
I love this picture. It looks like the horse is smiling!
After riding horses, we hiked in the desert a little....Alex took some pictures along the way....
We went out to lunch, shopped a little, saw the great horned owl that has a nest close to Bill and Linda's that I have seen every year i have been coming here....
Isn't she beautiful? Last year I got to see her babies peeping up. It was cool. Then we headed back to Bill and Linda's. Us adults laid down, the boys were still going strong. Sigh. So I made them watch tv and/or play their iPods for a little bit. Then they went swimming the rest of the afternoon until dinner. Where do they get their energy and can I have some please?!?!?
That evening Bill and Linda had some guests come and stay that night too and they were delightful! Funny, kind and warm people. Lots of chatting and laughing. The boys finally dropped and us adults got in the hot tub to end the day. It was wonderful!!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Arizona: Day 1
Today we took our first family vacation. Where did we go? Arizona!!! I have gone here every year for a while now....well the past 6 years actually. Bill and Linda have been kind enough to let me come down and stay with them for a little getaway. And they treat me like a queen every time. In the past, my dear friend Meg has come with me. Or I have gone with her, depending on how you want to look at it. After all, Bill and Linda are Meg's parents.
This year, my family came with me. And although it is a COMPLETELY different kind of vacation- it is just as wonderful! As Bill and Linda are the best hosts ever!
The plane trip went smoothly.
I am not a huge fan of flying, and I tried very hard not to pass my uneasiness onto the boys. I think I did ok on that. They had a few moments of nervousness- but nothing out of the ordinary. They had lots of fun looking out the windows, watching the plane get loaded with our luggage, etc.
Luckily, we all got to sit together. Which was a concern of mine. With 5 of us we weren't sure how that was going to work. As it turned out- Alex, Josh and I sat in one row and Zach and Matt sat behind us. Perfect!
They kept themselves busy with snacks, looking out the window, chatting, and playing their iPods. No complaints at all! We arrived safely, on time, and with all our luggage. What more can you really ask for, right?
We got to Bill and Linda's and immediately got into the pool.
If you are wanting to know who is in each picture, it's Josh, Zach, Me and Josh, and Alex.
It wasn't the warmest day, but it was warmer than Omaha and that is all that mattered. And kids don't notice that stuff anyway!
The rest of the afternoon we hung out and ate and chatted and cocktailed. What more can you ask for? It's been the perfect start to our first family vacation!!! Oh, and in case you are curious about who is in the picture above, Zach is by the cactus, Josh is on top, Zach is in the middle and Alex is on the bottom.
On a side is 7 Days again (the taking a self portrait for 7 days in a row thing I like to do)....woot!! Anywho, here is my day 1 photo:
This year, my family came with me. And although it is a COMPLETELY different kind of vacation- it is just as wonderful! As Bill and Linda are the best hosts ever!
The plane trip went smoothly.
I am not a huge fan of flying, and I tried very hard not to pass my uneasiness onto the boys. I think I did ok on that. They had a few moments of nervousness- but nothing out of the ordinary. They had lots of fun looking out the windows, watching the plane get loaded with our luggage, etc.
Luckily, we all got to sit together. Which was a concern of mine. With 5 of us we weren't sure how that was going to work. As it turned out- Alex, Josh and I sat in one row and Zach and Matt sat behind us. Perfect!
They kept themselves busy with snacks, looking out the window, chatting, and playing their iPods. No complaints at all! We arrived safely, on time, and with all our luggage. What more can you really ask for, right?
We got to Bill and Linda's and immediately got into the pool.
If you are wanting to know who is in each picture, it's Josh, Zach, Me and Josh, and Alex.
It wasn't the warmest day, but it was warmer than Omaha and that is all that mattered. And kids don't notice that stuff anyway!
The rest of the afternoon we hung out and ate and chatted and cocktailed. What more can you ask for? It's been the perfect start to our first family vacation!!! Oh, and in case you are curious about who is in the picture above, Zach is by the cactus, Josh is on top, Zach is in the middle and Alex is on the bottom.
On a side is 7 Days again (the taking a self portrait for 7 days in a row thing I like to do)....woot!! Anywho, here is my day 1 photo:
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Reading Begins!!!
I love reading! That is clearly not a secret! I have my masters in Reading. So it does my heart good to see my boys learn to read....and enjoy it!!!
Reading comes easy to Josh and Zach. They are now teaching stuffed animals to read. It has been heartwarming and fun to watch!
With Alex- he can do it, it just doesn't come as easy to him. He compares himself to his brothers and has the "I can't do it!" attitude. Lately, Alex started to say he doesn't like books and that he couldn't read. We even had a meltdown in a used bookstore about it and it broke my heart. I knew I needed to fix that IMMEDIATELY!! We went to Barnes and Nobel and bought a ton of books on his level and his attitude completely changed!! Whew! He is now telling EVERYONE "I can read now!" and is reading to anyone who will listen!! He has even made a few phone calls to let people know he can read. :) It's awesome!
Needless to say I am a proud mama!
Reading comes easy to Josh and Zach. They are now teaching stuffed animals to read. It has been heartwarming and fun to watch!
With Alex- he can do it, it just doesn't come as easy to him. He compares himself to his brothers and has the "I can't do it!" attitude. Lately, Alex started to say he doesn't like books and that he couldn't read. We even had a meltdown in a used bookstore about it and it broke my heart. I knew I needed to fix that IMMEDIATELY!! We went to Barnes and Nobel and bought a ton of books on his level and his attitude completely changed!! Whew! He is now telling EVERYONE "I can read now!" and is reading to anyone who will listen!! He has even made a few phone calls to let people know he can read. :) It's awesome!
Needless to say I am a proud mama!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Another Missing Tooth
Zach lost another tooth today!! This makes his third one- his first top tooth! It has been hanging there for about a week now, so we knew it was about to happen.
He had quite the snaggle tooth look for a while. And I mean that in the cutest he has the missing hole!
He had quite the snaggle tooth look for a while. And I mean that in the cutest he has the missing hole!
Friday, March 4, 2011
An Interview with Zach
What's your name?
How old are you?
6 1/2
Where do you live?
In Nebraska
Who do you like to play with?
Ryan K
What is your favorite food?
Macaroni and Cheese and Chicken Nuggets
What is your favorite drink?
Chocolate Milk and pop. Oh I just love POP!!
What is your favorite snack?
um...I don't really have one. I kind of like all of them. I really like hummus!
What is your favorite toy? favorite toy is video games.
What is your favorite TV show?
Johnny Test and Spongebob.
What is your favorite game?
Little Big Planet 2 and Little Big Planet
What is your favorite book?
The one all about me.
What is your favorite restaurant?
Burger King, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, The Pizza Machine, RED LOBSTER!!! That's all....OH and Dave and Busters
What is your favorite holiday?
May 18, July 7th and (whispers) Mom when is your birthday?
November 10.
And November 10! They are all our birthdays!
What is your favorite animal?
A zebra because my name is Zach and Zebra starts with Z.
If you could change your name what would you change it to?
Um...maybe...hmmm....Dr. Luther King! Or maybe to Larry.
What do you love about each person in your family? Like what do you love most about daddy?
He tickles me a lot.
What do you love most about Josh?
He colors with me. We like the same things. We play a lot together.
What do you love most about Alex?
We don't do a lot together but I just love him.
What do you love most about mommy?
I need to think....I love that you read to me and you let me read to you. We play together. We snuggle a lot together. We say the bad word snow sometimes, and hmmmm....yep that's all.
What do you love most about yourself?
I love reading.
Where do you want to go on vacation this year?
Well, I really want to go to Iowa. Since I really don't want to go on an airplane ride because it's my first time and I am kind of scared.
What are some wishes for this year?
My wish is that- I know this is going to happen this year- I wish I could go in a hot tub. And I wish it was Christmas so Santa could come. And I would ask him to have grandma stay here forever. Grandma Ronna and Grandma Nita. And Granddad and Grandpa. They would all stay here forever!
Thanks for letting me interview you Zach.
You're Welcome.
How old are you?
6 1/2
Where do you live?
In Nebraska
Who do you like to play with?
Ryan K
What is your favorite food?
Macaroni and Cheese and Chicken Nuggets
What is your favorite drink?
Chocolate Milk and pop. Oh I just love POP!!
What is your favorite snack?
um...I don't really have one. I kind of like all of them. I really like hummus!
What is your favorite toy? favorite toy is video games.
What is your favorite TV show?
Johnny Test and Spongebob.
What is your favorite game?
Little Big Planet 2 and Little Big Planet
What is your favorite book?
The one all about me.
What is your favorite restaurant?
Burger King, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, The Pizza Machine, RED LOBSTER!!! That's all....OH and Dave and Busters
What is your favorite holiday?
May 18, July 7th and (whispers) Mom when is your birthday?
November 10.
And November 10! They are all our birthdays!
What is your favorite animal?
A zebra because my name is Zach and Zebra starts with Z.
If you could change your name what would you change it to?
Um...maybe...hmmm....Dr. Luther King! Or maybe to Larry.
What do you love about each person in your family? Like what do you love most about daddy?
He tickles me a lot.
What do you love most about Josh?
He colors with me. We like the same things. We play a lot together.
What do you love most about Alex?
We don't do a lot together but I just love him.
What do you love most about mommy?
I need to think....I love that you read to me and you let me read to you. We play together. We snuggle a lot together. We say the bad word snow sometimes, and hmmmm....yep that's all.
What do you love most about yourself?
I love reading.
Where do you want to go on vacation this year?
Well, I really want to go to Iowa. Since I really don't want to go on an airplane ride because it's my first time and I am kind of scared.
What are some wishes for this year?
My wish is that- I know this is going to happen this year- I wish I could go in a hot tub. And I wish it was Christmas so Santa could come. And I would ask him to have grandma stay here forever. Grandma Ronna and Grandma Nita. And Granddad and Grandpa. They would all stay here forever!
Thanks for letting me interview you Zach.
You're Welcome.
An Interview with Josh
What's your name?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
In a new house.
Do you know where the new house is?
The neighborhood of Jones Circle.
Who do you like to play with?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite drink?
Chocolate milk.
What is your favorite snack?
Granola bars.
What is your favorite toy?
Video Games.
What is your favorite TV show?
Johnny Test
What is your favorite game?
Little Big Planet. Both one and two.
What is your favorite book?
The Quarter Book.
What quarter...ohhhh the one where you collect the state quarters in?
YES!! That one!!
What is your favorite restaurant?
Red Lobster.
What is your favorite holiday?
The Fourth Of July?
No, the 7th.
That's your birthday.
My favorite is my birthday!
What is your favorite animal?
Um...I am going to need to think a while.....I like all the animals.
If you could change your name what would you change it to?
Why Frank?
Because I like the name Frank.
What do you love about each person in your family? Like what do you love most about daddy?
Hmmm....I might need to think. Because he loves me.
What do you love most about Zach?
He colors with me.
What do you love most about Alex?
I play with him.
What do you love most about mommy?
You snuggle with me.
What do you love most about yourself?
I am just handsome!
Where do you want to go on vacation this year?
To New York.
What are some wishes for this year?
MONEY!!! I also wish for a store and lollipops. Done.
Thanks for letting me interview you Josh.
You're Welcome.
How old are you?
Where do you live?
In a new house.
Do you know where the new house is?
The neighborhood of Jones Circle.
Who do you like to play with?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite drink?
Chocolate milk.
What is your favorite snack?
Granola bars.
What is your favorite toy?
Video Games.
What is your favorite TV show?
Johnny Test
What is your favorite game?
Little Big Planet. Both one and two.
What is your favorite book?
The Quarter Book.
What quarter...ohhhh the one where you collect the state quarters in?
YES!! That one!!
What is your favorite restaurant?
Red Lobster.
What is your favorite holiday?
The Fourth Of July?
No, the 7th.
That's your birthday.
My favorite is my birthday!
What is your favorite animal?
Um...I am going to need to think a while.....I like all the animals.
If you could change your name what would you change it to?
Why Frank?
Because I like the name Frank.
What do you love about each person in your family? Like what do you love most about daddy?
Hmmm....I might need to think. Because he loves me.
What do you love most about Zach?
He colors with me.
What do you love most about Alex?
I play with him.
What do you love most about mommy?
You snuggle with me.
What do you love most about yourself?
I am just handsome!
Where do you want to go on vacation this year?
To New York.
What are some wishes for this year?
MONEY!!! I also wish for a store and lollipops. Done.
Thanks for letting me interview you Josh.
You're Welcome.
An Interview with Alex
What's your name?
How old are you?
6 1/2
Where do you live?
Who do you like to play with?
Brooke and Brody.
What is your favorite food?
Cheese Pizza
What is your favorite drink?
Apple Juice
What is your favorite snack?
What is your favorite toy?
My Batman toys.
What is your favorite TV show?
Johnny Test.
What is your favorite game?
I don't like any games.
What is your favorite book?
I don't really like books.
What is your favorite restaurant?
Can I tell you a couple of restaurants?
Ok...Dave and Busters, Pizza Machine, Little Caesars and that's it.
What is your favorite holiday?
What is your favorite animal?
If you could change your name what would you change it to?
What do you love about each person in your family? Like what do you love most about daddy?
He tickles me a lot.
What do you love most about Zach?
He plays with me.
What do you love most about Josh?
He plays with me.
What do you love most about mommy?
You snuggle with me.
What do you love most about yourself?
Just being me.
Where do you want to go on vacation this year?
To Minnesota.
What are some wishes for this year?
Go on an airplane to Arizona. And go to Uncle Andy and Aunt Marcie's.
Thanks for letting me interview you Alex.
Bye! Bye! Love you!
How old are you?
6 1/2
Where do you live?
Who do you like to play with?
Brooke and Brody.
What is your favorite food?
Cheese Pizza
What is your favorite drink?
Apple Juice
What is your favorite snack?
What is your favorite toy?
My Batman toys.
What is your favorite TV show?
Johnny Test.
What is your favorite game?
I don't like any games.
What is your favorite book?
I don't really like books.
What is your favorite restaurant?
Can I tell you a couple of restaurants?
Ok...Dave and Busters, Pizza Machine, Little Caesars and that's it.
What is your favorite holiday?
What is your favorite animal?
If you could change your name what would you change it to?
What do you love about each person in your family? Like what do you love most about daddy?
He tickles me a lot.
What do you love most about Zach?
He plays with me.
What do you love most about Josh?
He plays with me.
What do you love most about mommy?
You snuggle with me.
What do you love most about yourself?
Just being me.
Where do you want to go on vacation this year?
To Minnesota.
What are some wishes for this year?
Go on an airplane to Arizona. And go to Uncle Andy and Aunt Marcie's.
Thanks for letting me interview you Alex.
Bye! Bye! Love you!
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