Christmas was good....for the most part. The big blizzard that has come through has really messed up our Christmas plans. For the last three days all plans to get together with family have been canceled/postponed. So that has been a bummer. But instead of sulking around about it we are trying to make the best of the situation. Santa still came. Matt, the boys and I had a wonderful time together. Christmas Eve the boys set out milk, cookies and letters to Santa.

The next morning all the cookies and milk (and letters) were gone but there were lots of presents that he left!! The boys were really excited! It has been SO MUCH fun this year. The boys have really been into Santa. Its been great!

The boys started to sort out everyone's gifts. Then ripped them all apart! It was awesome hearing all the squeals of excitement!!

They were really good boys this year as Santa brought them what they had asked for! Alex got his Batman slippers. He has been wearing them ever since. (minus the times we are our playing in the snow that is)

Josh got his aqua sand that he asked Santa for. Zach got his Color Shifter Car Wash he asked for. The picture of Zach didn't turn out, so that is why I don't have one posted for you to enjoy.

This is what our living room looked like after present opening.

This is my day 7 of 7 Days shot. I call it "The Triplet Tornado."
After opening presents, I started to make
ebelskiver a Christmas morning tradition. Growing up my grandma K used to make this for me when I would visit. It was something I would always look forward to. Since she has passed its a way for me to remember her. I really miss her. Plus they are REALLY delicious!!

I have decided that I need to make these more than just once a year. We all ate them like candy.
After breakfast was over, we played the rest of the day with our new toys. It was a lot of fun!! With triplets, we had LOTS of new things to play with. Like Zach's new carwash....

And a magnetic marble maze thing....

and geomags

and Rocky the Robot (who Alex has decided to call Chuck)

and aqua sand (messy but cool)

and car ramp stuff...

and pinball

and a new hul mask. We had hulk hands but Alex got Josh the mask to go with it. It was funny, Josh asked me to take his picture then asked to see it. I showed it to him and he goes "woah. I am scary!"

These were just some of the things that we did. I had a ton of fun putting lego stuff together. I never knew legos were so fun!!
Today we are still snowed in. Just waiting for the plows to come. I am starting to go a little stir crazy. There is only so many train tracks I can build or games of connect 4 I can do before I go a little silly! We did go outside again a little today. Here are some of he pictures I took of what our area looks like. This is a snow drift at the end of our driveway. As you can see its almost as tall as Matt.

Here are the boys sledding down a drift in the front.

We went out back to build a tunnel through the snow. We all thought that was a ton of fun!

Alex sledding down the drift in our backyard.